General Education Program
English Language Arts - Sec 1English Language Arts - Sec 2English Language Arts - Sec 3English Language Arts - Sec 4English Language Arts - Sec 5English Language Arts - Allongé
Personal Development
Culture and Citizenship in Québec - Sec 1Culture and Citizenship in Québec - Sec 2Personal Orientation Project - Sec 3Culture and Citizenship in Québec - Sec 4Culture and Citizenship in Québec - Sec 5
Third Languages
Italian - Secondary 4
General Science - Sec 1General Science - Sec 2Applied Science & Tech - Sec 3General Science - Sec 4Enviro Science & Tech - Sec 4Robotics - Sec 4Chemistry - Sec 5Physics - Sec 5
Fine Arts
Dance - Sec 1Dance - Sec 2Drama - Sec 1Drama - Sec 2Drama - Sec 3Drama - Sec 4Drama - Sec 5Visual Arts - Sec 1Visual Arts - Sec 2Visual Arts - Sec 3Visual Arts - Sec 5Media Arts - Sec 3Dance - Sec 3Dance - Sec 4Dance - Sec 5
Français, Langue Seconde - Sec 1Français, Langue Seconde - Sec 2Français, Langue Seconde - Sec 3Français, Langue Seconde - Sec 4Français, Langue Seconde - Sec 5FLS Programme Local - Sec 4FLS Programme Local - Sec 5Français, programme enrichi - Sec 1Français, programme enrichi - Sec 2Français, programme enrichi - Sec 3Français, programme enrichi - Sec 4Français, programme enrichi - Sec 5Français, Langue Seconde - Allongé
Mathematics - AllongéMathematics - Sec 1Mathematics - Sec 2Mathematics - Sec 3Honours Mathematics - Sec 1Remedial Mathematics - Sec 3Mathematics Cultural - Sec 4Mathematics Cultural - Sec 5Mathematics Scientific - Sec 4Mathematics Scientific - Sec 5Mathematics Calculus - Sec 5 Sport-Études Program
English Language Arts
English Language Arts SE - Sec 1English Language Arts SE - Sec 2English Language Arts SE - Sec 3English Language Arts SE - Sec 4English Language Arts SE - Sec 5
Mathematics SE - Sec 1Mathematics SE - Sec 2Mathematics SE - Sec 3Mathematics Cultural SE - Sec 4Mathematics Cultural SE - Sec 5Mathematics Scientific SE - Sec 5Mathematics Scientific SE - Sec 4
Français Langue Seconde SE - Sec 1Français Langue Seconde SE - Sec 2Français Langue Seconde SE - Sec 3Français Langue Seconde SE - Sec 4Français Langue Seconde SE - Sec 5
Personal Development
Culture and Citizenship in Québec SE - Sec 1Culture and Citizenship in Québec SE - Sec 2Culture and Citizenship in Québec SE - Sec 4Personal Orientation Project SE - Secondary 3Culture and Citizenship in Québec SE - Sec 5